Aspen Lifestyle: Creating Healthy Relationships With Food

The Aspen Coaches have done a pretty epic job at helping us with our fitness and providing us with such a supportive and amazing community. As a member of Aspen myself I can’t speak highly enough of the unique and quality coaching I’ve received over the last year.

The coaches genuinely care about each and every member and their achievements and goals. But more importantly, they understand that fitness is only one piece of the health puzzle. This is why they wanted to go a step further and offer health and lifestyle coaching.

In addition to the movement training we take part in at Aspen, there are other aspects of our lives that are just as important to our overall health, including nutrition, sleep, and mindset.

I’ve come on board to help members evaluate what parts of their life could be preventing them from achieving their health goals, and what improvements could be made to have them kicking butt and feeling great.



Analeigh Brown

I am a mother of 2 and my kids are the reason I am so passionate about learning how to create a healthy lifestyle to live optimally. I’ve always been reasonably healthy but I wasn’t always so conscious of nutrition.

When I was 17, I started modelling. After being told I needed to lose weight, I turned to a gym to try to address my weight, but never really considered looking at what I was eating.

At the time, I was probably a size 10 so I was very lucky I had thick skin and didn’t fall into the trap of self loathing that so many people justifiably would.

I saw so many horrible diet choices within the industry, the most common was deprivation. With all the saturation of highly photoshopped images of amazing bodies we’re surrounded with it’s no wonder young girls and guys have such unrealistic desires for their own bodies.

It took me about 10 years and my first child to realise that modelling wasn’t for me and I couldn’t handle the constant judgement of my face and body; something that is totally out of my control.

It wasn’t until a few years later when I was asked by multiple people if my son had ADHD that I really started to become interested in nutrition.

Removing sugar and processed foods from our diets had such a profound effect on my son, it made me start to scrutinise everything we were eating.

I soon realised that even a typical healthy diet can be laden with sugar and even nastier chemicals.

It got me thinking that if most people’s diets are filled with these chemicals, it’s no wonder disease rates are climbing so fast.

I wondered about what would have happened if I didn’t turn to my son’s diet first, and instead decided to take him to a psychologist for his behavioural issues.

I spent the next 5 years changing the way we ate as a family. I went through an immense amount of stress in doing so, and it was one of the hardest challenges I’ve faced.

I spent countless hours researching with podcasts and articles and it opened my eyes to the sheer number of health issues that can be triggered by eating a standard Australian diet.



Health in Australia

Currently over two thirds of the Australian adult population are overweight or obese and these numbers are rising.

The fact that 1 in 4 children are overweight or obese is just staggering, it’s absolutely heartbreaking! Obviously we are doing something wrong. It’s not just the weight, we also have rapidly rising numbers of chronic illness’, such as asthma, arthritis, depression, and diabetes.

Through my journey, I’ve heard a countless number of stories in which people have rid themselves of these diseases and found their way to good health purely through changing their lifestyle and nutrition. This inspired me to help others to do the same, and raise the next generation to be conscious of their health so the current crisis doesn’t continue on the same trajectory.

There are a lot of mysteries surrounding health, and most commonly, nutrition. We’ve been told so many opposing arguments that it’s hard to know where to turn and who to trust. We’ve been told that meat causes cancer, fat makes us fat, diet coke is better for us, margarine is healthier than butter, and the list goes on.

For decades, most of the population believed low-fat was the way to go. We started looking at diet this, and low-fat that.

Ironically, the more low-fat foods we ate as a nation, the fatter we became.

With literally thousands of diets, our options are close to endless. But if anything, I think it’s time we move away from counting calories and trying to lose weight, and start to consider weight-loss as a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle.

With a shift in mindset around diet, and the ability to enjoy the foods you love without total deprivation, there will be even better outcomes than losing weight.


Our Values

Don’t get me wrong though, I absolutely love food. I love butter, bacon, ice cream, and beer. I couldn’t think of anything worse than depriving myself of one of life’s greatest pleasures.

I feel like we can create a healthy relationship with food so we can still enjoy the things we love, but also have the ability to practice moderation and to read our bodies to know what’s serving us.

I’m hoping to help people to reconnect with their body and learn to listen to the body’s signals so they can avoid ill health and achieve their potential.

While rates of chronic illness and obesity continue to climb at an alarming rate, confusion around how to solve it continues. Most people are shocked to learn that over 85% of these diseases are driven by behaviour and environment and not our genes. That means we have the power to prevent or reverse chronic illness by adopting healthier habits.

As simple as that sounds, change is anything but easy. It takes drive, motivation, and strategy to change our habits—especially if we’ve been doing things a certain way for a long time.

Most of all however, it takes support. This is where a health coach comes in to play. My goal as a health coach is to empower people to create a sustainable lifestyle that brings long term health and vitality.

So, are you ready to take the step to focus on you and your health. You may be living healthily but are you living optimally? Do you want to lose weight, feel more energy, stress less, sleep better, and learn how to cook healthy meals to nourish yourself? Are you overwhelmed by all the nutrition information out there and want to work out what’s right for you?

Book your free consultation and we can delve into how you can achieve your health goals and, as a result, live your optimal life.

We want to empower you to recalibrate your relationship with food so you can create a healthy lifestyle that is both sustainable and enjoyable.

We all have the best intentions when setting new health goals, but the truth of the matter is that we often give up soon after starting, especially if weight loss starts to plateau or if it all becomes too difficult.

Having a health coach to be an accountability partner will help you to see your goals through, to the point where it becomes second nature.

If you would like to discuss your current state of health and address what could be standing in your way of achieving optimal health, book your free consultation and make a plan for a better future.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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